Wonderfully Made: God's Story of Life from Conception to Birth
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Wonderfully Made: God's Story of Life from Conception to Birth, 2nd Edition
Wonderfully Made is the story of each child's preborn life, told from the perspective of the child's mother.
This 48-page picture book for 5-11 year olds covers the growth and development process through each week of pregnancy, sharing valuable science and Scripture with kids in a loving way, ending with the story of eternal life available through Jesus Christ when we are born again.
Introducing God's Story of Life from Conception to Birth!

Endorsements for Wonderfully Made
Brilliant! Wonderfully Made by Danika Cooley captures the wonder of our creation with great accuracy and yet makes it so understandable to young readers. She tells about conception to birth in an amazing captivating journey. By drawing in the young reader, she invites them to experience the best journey of all. This is a great book for an expecting parent to read to their expecting children. ~ Lainna Callentine, M.Ed., M.D., Pediatrician and Author of God's Wondrous Machine Series

Danika Cooley's Wonderfully Made is a gentle, lovely, and Christ-centered way to share the miracle of pregnancy and birth with your children. It's medically accurate, and relevant Bible passages are incorporated throughout the book. We highly recommend it! ~ Hal & Melanie Young, authors of Raising Real Men

Wonderfully Made tactfully and respectfully introduces children to human life from conception to birth. Filled with appropriate drawings that accurately depict the unborn baby’s development, you and your child will be delighted with the tremendous creativity and beauty of God’s plan of pregnancy and birth. The book ends on a beautiful note to explain why it isn’t enough to just be “born”, but that each of us must be “reborn". Each page brings forth Scripture verses that point the reader to see just how wonderfully God has made each human life. We highly encourage Christian parents to utilize this beautiful, life-affirming resource with their children." ~ Israel & Brook Wayne, parents, authors and speakers, co-founders of Family Renewal

Our family has loved reading Wonderfully Made together! As parents of 4 boys, it's important to give our boys an understanding of human development from a biblical perspective. Danika weaves the story of how God knits us together in our mothers womb beautifully and in a way our 4 year old twins can understand and keeps our 11 year old engaged. We appreciate how this book is both biologically and biblically accurate. This book should be on every Christian parent's bookshelf. ~ Luke and Trisha Gilkerson, owners of Intoxicated on Life & authors of The Talk and Changes

I don't know about your kids, but my kids ask questions - lots and lots of questions. Wonderfully Made fills the void for the inquisitive child and gives parents a jumping off point to begin discussions of how fearfully and wonderfully made we are. My own 9 and 7-year-olds were fascinated by the depictions of developing babies, and that fascination has led to some terrific conversations! ~ Kendra Fletcher, Author, Speaker, Podcaster in HomeschoolingIRL, & Owner of Preschoolers and Peace

I just finished reading this wonderfully written book to my six year old daughter, Chloe. Very well authored, Wonderfully Made takes what some may consider a difficult and awkward subject and explains it in a straightforward and wholesome way. Specifically, its contents illustrate the subjects of conception and childbirth from a biblical perspective, yet in a simple way even a young child can understand, giving God all the glory and praise He deserves. The best part is that the book concludes with giving the reader the gospel message, and points out the need for each one of us to be "born again". I enjoyed my reading time with Chloe today; the material made it all the more special. ~ Paul Suarez, Publisher, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine

Wonderfully Made is a strategic training tool that parents can use to teach their kids about a baby’s growth. Kids will find this book fascinating and parents now have a tool that teaches about the development of a precious baby. I commend this book to all parents to equip them to educate their kids’ minds and hearts about God’s creation. ~ Dr. Scott Turansky, National Center for Biblical Parenting

From the Back Cover of Wonderfully Made
Sit down with me, little one, and I’ll tell you again how you grew inside of me.
In week 10, you were the size of a strawberry.
You and I were connected by the umbilical cord that circulated blood, bringing you oxygen and nourishment.
You had nostrils, an upper lip and miniature taste buds on your tiny tongue.
God was forming tooth buds in your jaw, though you had no teeth.
Your legs were growing and your webbed fingers grew touchpads.
Your heart now had four chambers and beat quickly.
Your brain and spinal cord continued to develop.
Your muscles were almost all where they were supposed to be, and you were practicing moving in the amniotic fluid.
Wonderfully Made is an excellent book that introduces a young child to the wonder of God’s creation – the wonder and miracle of birth. From conception in the womb through the nine months within the mother’s womb Danika Cooley takes us on a journey of discovery… the discovery of life.
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13
Illustrated by Jeff Anderson
Wonderfully Made is illustrated by Jeff Anderson in warm tones, with heartwarming paintings of expectant parents, children, and babies in utero. Your child will love looking through the book over and over, truly developing an understand of how they grew in the womb.
Wonderfully Made Reviews
"The book is wholly wonderful, but my favorite part was the ending. (Yes, I am going to give away the ending!) Just as clearly as she shared about the beginnings of our physical life, Danika shares about the beginning of our spiritual life, when we are born again – in Christ. She ends where life truly begins –with a beautifully simple presentation of the gospel!" ~ Veronica Whitley, A Quiet Heart
"Wonderfully Made is filled with biblical answers straight from the Word of God as well as the science behind the miracle of birth." ~ Melissa, Grace Christian Homeschool
"Overall, I liked this book and highly recommend it. (5 stars *****) ...This book should be in the library of every Christian family." ~ SarahElisabeth Jones, Delivering Grace
"Our goal is to have adult children who value the sanctity of life... We want our children to understand that life starts at conception. Danika Cooley’s beautiful new book, Wonderfully Made: God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth, is a fantastic tool for explaining how a baby develops in the womb. It is written from a mother’s point of view and every page points to God’s plan." ~ Amy Toombs, Amy's Wandering
"...Or you can use it how I did. To emphasis the miraculous mechanisms of God’s most beloved creation. And to emphasis to a young boy (who we adopted all those years ago) that God has a wonderful plan for his life and the great love a young mother had for him." ~ Rebekah Teague, There Will Be a $5 Charge for Whining
"When the young children know how they grow from the very beginning of their life in the mother’s womb, they will feel grateful for what God has done to them." ~ Adelien Tan, Blessed Learners

"Wonderfully Made is perfect for expecting moms and new big brothers/sisters. My boys loved listening to the book and seeing their 3 month old baby brother listening with them. Wonderfully Made is also great for use in family devotions, homeschool, and Sunday School classes to show fetal development and what the Bible has to say about pre-born life." ~ Amanda Pelser, The Pelsers
"The most difficult part was finding a book or information on the internet that did not have too much information or detailed pictures. Thankfully this is no longer an issue as Danika has authored this beautiful book which preserves the sanctity of life and presents the miracle of every child conceived." ~ Chareen Rushworth, Every Bed of Roses
"Every page contains Scripture that reminds us of how God created us and that He loves us. My favorite part is the end of the book when Danika presents the Gospel message. She highlights that all have sinned and that we must be born again." ~ Ashley Sigrest

"I found myself getting choked up in several places, which always makes the kids pay extra attention! I also loved that Wonderfully Made tells the gospel message at the end of the book, explaining that we are born again when we trust in Christ and are adopted into God’s family. Wonderfully Made is ever pointing to our Creator and Savior." ~ Tauna Meyer, Proverbial Homemaker
"I am especially excited about Wonderfully Made because it is from a Christian perspective and shows children that God made everyone special and has a plan and purpose for their lives." ~ Sarah Avila, My Joy-Filled Life
"I’ve read several age-appropriate books on conception with my children over the years. I have to say this is one of my favorites. It reinforces what a gift from God our kids are. I wish all children knew that deep sense of love the Father has for them and that they would carry it with them through their whole lives. If you have young people in your lives, please order this book. ~ April McGowan

"My 7-year-old daughter had been asking a lot of questions about how babies are made, pregnancy, etc. I was answering them the best I could, but I was lacking an eloquent way to really explain it without giving her more info than she needed at this young age. Enter Wonderfully Made by Danika Cooley." ~ Clarissa West, The Sincere Homemaker
"This book has been such a blessing in our home that I have already ordered several more for gifts. In fact, this will likely be my new go-to gift for any pregnant mother, whether she has children already or this is her first pregnancy. It is such a beautifully written book, from a mother's perspective, that it can be enjoyed by children for years to come. And what a great way to solidify to your children that the Creator of the universe knew them and knit them together in their mother's belly all those years ago!" ~ Annette Breedlove, In All You Do
"It’s really the best children’s book explaining conception to birth that I’ve seen!" ~ Gena Mayo, I Choose Joy
"...I must say that, hands down, Wonderfully Made: God’s story of life from conception to birth is the very best account of the miracle of life. It has scientific information, but from a Biblical perspective and the miracle of life revolves around the concept that a Mastermind, a Creator, is in charge of how we are formed and what we will look like." ~ Tanya Wright, The Natural Homeschool

"I loved that there was scripture referenced and the illustrations are exquisite. The illustrator did a wonderful job of depicting babies and families from many different cultures and nationalities, and there is even discussion of births of multiples. It was so fun reading this book with my sons and remembering when I was pregnant with them. They were fascinated with every detail of the book." ~ Kelly, Raising Samuels
"One of the very best parts of this book is the end, where Danika goes from explaining about the physical birth to describing spiritual birth. What a great transition from physical to spiritual. This will open a door to you speaking to your child regarding their spiritual state." ~ Lori Lyman, At the Fence

"Wonderfully Made is more than just a book of information about how babies develop in utero; it is a declaration of praise to the exquisite artistry of our Creator." ~ Deanna Jasper, His Treasure Seekers
"This book Wonderfully Made has become one of my favourite children’s books. We have read it many times over and although it’s intended for ages 5 to 11 even my toddler loves it! She sits with us pointing at the beautiful images on each page shouting “baby” over and over again. She might be to young yet to understand the how she physically grew inside of me but she is not to young to understand the beauty of a growing child!" ~ Kim Mills, Homestead Acres

"I’m a firm believer in giving our kids accurate, age-appropriate information. This book definitely fits the bill. Kids who read and comprehend the material in this book will understand more than most of the college students who took my Human Anatomy and Physiology lab at the university." ~ Heather Haupt, Cultivated Lives
"One of the things that concerns me about talking to my children about babies is how to be age-appropriate about the topic of conception. Danika handles it beautifully!! It’s just enough information to make sense, but does not get into graphic deal." ~ Anne Marie Gosnell, Future Flying Saucers![]()
"The best thing about this book, is that there is no content that would make me reconsider leaving it out for the children to access any time, on their own. This had been a stumbling block with some books I had picked up which provided much more detail than I may have been ready to share. And really, sometimes the littles haven't even asked those questions yet. Wonderfully Made is tactfully written from a loving mother's voice directly to her children, just as I might tell my guys “their stories.”" ~ Jodi Galland, Insane in the Mom Brain
"Wonderfully Made: God's Story of Life from Conception to Birth is a beautiful telling of the wonder of God's creation through the miracle of birth in language that is simple enough for young children to comprehend, but that also gives the more scientific aspects in a way that older hearers will appreciate as well." ~ Carrie Cannon, Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound![]()
"I loved it so much that I bought it for a baby shower. I wasn't giving away my copy. No way." ~ Debra Brinkman, Footprints in the Butter
"Have you ever desired to have a Gospel-centered, Biblical resource that would help explain the growth process from conception to birth for young children? If so, Danika Cooley has authored a lovely resource that meets that need." ~ Elizabeth Hankins, The Hankins Family"By making small changes like those in a few strategic places in the book, the focus was on the miracle of his life and development of his wonderfully made body – and not on the fact that he had a different birth mother. As a matter of fact, I was able to personalize parts of the story & tell him that “at this stage, I was waking up in the night praying and asking God to protect you and to make you healthy and strong” – “I loved you before I ever knew you”." ~ Kelli Becton, Adventure Homeschool
"This is a beautiful book for answering some of the basic questions about babies and their development. It doesn't deal with the question of how conception happens, and it doesn't get detailed about the birth process. But it covers the development of a baby from conception through birth in a way that provides correct, factual information with a distinctly Christian worldview. That makes it a perfect book to share with even young children when they begin to ask questions." ~ Leah Courtney, As We Walk Along the Road"The lack of information [regarding details of conception and birth] didn't stop Little Bit from asking to have the book read to her several times in the first couple of days after we received it. And I had to tell her that I needed to keep it on the bookshelf in the living room until after the review was written, she was planning to take it with her to keep in her room. She'll be glad to know I've FINALLY written the review so she can have her book back." ~ LaRee Brown, Broad Horizons
"Wonderfully Made answers all of the questions your kids have. It goes through and explains how the baby got in the mommy’s womb (in a way you can safely share with a child who isn’t ready to learn specific details about “the s-word”, as my daughter calls it). If I’d had this book four years ago I would have saved myself a lot of repeated questions, as I could have said, “Let’s pull out the book.”" ~ Ticia Messing, Adventures in Mommydom"My kids have pulled this book off the shelf over and over... Even yesterday my daughter said, “Mom, what week are you?” and opened up to the page and began to read it all to us, as well as the verse!" ~ Elizabeth Buckner, Inspiration to Creation
"Children are definitely a gift from God. That is what message is on nearly every page of Wonderfully Made. The book is full of ample pictures of children of several different races. It is not created for just a certain race of children. That makes it even more exciting, and the artwork creates other conversations by itself." ~ Kim Propp, Heart of a Philanthropist (Note: Read the story of Kim's pregnancy! It's amazing. ~Danika)
This is such a beautiful book that answers many the questions about where babies come from and how they grow inside the mom's body, but most importantly ot shares God's special design of love between married parents and how babies are a special gift from God. It is reminiscent of the What to Expect books for adults, but at a perfect level for children! Thank you for the blessing of this book!
Reading this book with my toddlers (1 and 2) while I was expecting our newest baby was special (even though most of this book is over their head) because I was able to emphasize how the baby was changing and growing during the corresponding week in the book. Very tastefully done! I appreciated too how the gospel was presented as well.
In this day and age, it is hard to find a good, solidly biblical book to teach children about how babies are formed. I love this book! It's a simple, yet intricately written explanation of the baby's conception and development in the womb. I love having it on hand to review periodically with my now pre-teen and teenager. Besides reminding them of God's plan for marriage and children, it helps them deepen their convictions to protect the sanctity of life. Great book--wonderfully made!