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Psalm 50:10 Pencil Cup Craft
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Make this fox pencil cup holder craft to remind kids that Psalm 50:10 tells us that every beast of the forest belongs to the Lord.

Psalm 50:10
Read Psalm 50 as a family before you begin your craft. In the ESV, our focus verse, Psalm 50:10, God says:
“For every beast of the forest is mine,
the cattle on a thousand hills.”
Foxes live in the forest, and they belong to God! As you make your craft, discuss:
- Why did God tell the Israelites that every beast is his? (Who made the animals?)
- What is God asking the people to sacrifice to him in verses 14-15?
- What does God say about our the way we talk about our brothers in verses 19-21?
- God tells us again in verse 23 what he wants us to offer him. What is it?
Talk about what it means that we serve a mighty God who created all of the forest animals.

Pencil Cup Holder Craft
Check out this quick video showing you how to construct your pencil cup craft:
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