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Jacob and Esau Birthright Craft
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Your Jacob and Esau craft is based on this stained glass panel by Everhard Rensig.
Jacob and Esau's Birthright
Before beginning your craft, read Genesis 25: 29-34 with your children. Talk about:
- What had Esau been doing?
- Is it good to work hard for the Lord? (Read Colossians 3:23-24. Our inheritance for following Jesus is eternity with him!)
- A birthright in the Old Testament was given to the firstborn son. He received a double inheritance, and he would one day be the head of his entire extended family. The birthright was a gift from God.
- Was Jacob's offer a fair price?
- How did Esau respond to Jacob's offer?
- Was Jacob thinking about the rest of his life, or was he just concentrating on his comfort in that moment?
- When we make decisions, should we concentrate on using the gifts God gives us to honor Jesus--or should we just worry about how we feel in the moment?
The story of Jacob and Esau is a good reminder to value the gifts God gives us and to use them for his glory.

Jacob and Esau Craft
Check out this fun video of the Jacob and Esau craft!
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