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Bible Verses about Love Banner
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Teach kids what the Bible says about love with the Bible Verses about Love banner. Love devotionals -- each with a Bible verse about love.
Teach your family the Bible verses about love.
You can teach your kids what the Bible says about love with this fun banner.
Each day has a Bible verse about love, and a love devotional. Using Bible passages with short devotions, kids will learn:
God is Love, God Loves Us, God Sent Jesus in Love, Love’s Character and more!
You'll find short daily love devotions for your kids on the back of each printable flag. AND it's available in both ESV and KJV!
The banner is fun to put together and display. Check out this quick video:
Love Devotionals
Each of the 24 daily devotions on your love banner includes:- A love statement
- A Bible verse about love (in ESV or KJV)
- A short daily devotion for your kids
- Adorable graphics

1 review
Vickie F Love this idea!