As For Me and My House Craft
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As for Me and My House We Will Serve the Lord
Take a look at the way several versions translate Joshua 24:15b. There are a few differences, but most versions use similar wording:
As Christian families, we make the same decision. Will we follow the Lord? I love Joshua 24:15b as an affirmative statement for our home.
Communicate to your kids that "as for our household, we will serve the Lord!" This fun Joshua 24:15 craft is a fun way for your kids to affirm that your home is a godly home.

Joshua 24 15 Craft
Check out this fun video I made of the Joshua 24:15 craft!
In Sunday school we did this activity to go along with Joshua's farewell speech. The writing of the verse helped my kids remember it. The roof of the house was a little difficult to attach. Some suggestions would have helped.