Prayer Bible Memory Verse Card Sets
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The Bible Verses on Prayer Memory Cards gives you a clear and easy way to teach your kids about prayer--straight from Scripture.

One of the best ways to teach your children about prayer is to read the Bible with them. Scripture is filled with stories about people praying to God. Memorizing verses on prayer straight from the Bible is a fabulous way to teach your kids about prayer.
Kids’ minds are little sponges, and they are usually able to memorize information easily. Memorizing Scripture is a wonderful way to take advantage of children’s versatile memorization abilities. I’m personally really grateful for all the Bible memorization I did as a child–those verses have been in my brain, ready for the Holy Spirit to bring to mind whenever needed my entire life. What a gift!
As a parent, I want my children to learn about prayer. I think it’s vital that my kids have a clear understanding of how important prayer is in the life of a Christian. I want my children’s view of prayer to come straight from Scripture. After all, who is better to teach us about praying to God than God Himself?
This product is a digital PDF download.

Bible Verses on Prayer Memory Cards
To help your children memorize Bible verses on prayer, I've created a fun set of 60 cards.
Each card has a Scripture memory passage related to prayer for your family to memorize.
There are so many passage on prayer in the Bible that narrowing them down to just 60 was a challenge. I picked those that are most applicable to your family's daily lives, and that make sense out of the surrounding context.
The Bible memory verses for children are available in either ESV or KJV, to suit your preference.
You'll find the cards adorned with delightful little wise owls.

Ways to Use Bible Verses on Prayer Memory Cards
The Prayer Bible Memory Verse Cards can be used a number of ways. Here are a few ideas:- Save the cards in your Family Prayer Box and read the prayer cards on a rotation, working through one each evening before praying.
- Laminate the cards and store them on a book ring. Keep the cards at the table and work on memorizing one as a family during meal times over the course of several days.
- Use one card each day for copywork.
- Share other ideas in the comments!
How to Print Bible Verses on Prayer Memory Cards
I often get asked how to print Thinking Kids resources. Here's my very best advice. Take it and adapt it for your own good uses.- Sometimes readers are concerned about using colored ink. If this is the case for you, there should be a setting on your printer that allows you to print in black and white. Printing in grayscale will still use some color, but it will come out prettier than black and white.
- I recommend printing on white cardstock so the cards will be more durable and the back won't show through on the front.
- If you plan to rotate the cards to use at meals or during your family devotional time, consider laminating them after writing on them so they will last longer.
Make a Family Prayer Box Craft
These cards coordinate with the Family Prayer Box project and come with their own divider.
Check out this fun video about your prayer box craft and the printable prayer cards that come with it, then register to get your project for FREE!
Right now you can download the entire Family Prayer Box Project eBook, including detailed instructions and all seven printable sets by subscribing to the Thinking Kids newsletter. You'll receive encouragement, gifts, and exclusive gifts after you opt in!