Reformation Day Snacks
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October 31st is a fun time each year to celebrate Reformation Day. Make these fun snacks to enjoy the day just a little more!
It's the day that Martin Luther, the Father of the Reformation, nailed the Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church. That act kicked off the Protestant Reformation, a movement to return to biblical teachings about Scripture, faith, grace, Christ, and God's glory.
October 31st, 2017 marked the 500th anniversary of Reformation Day.

To help your kids celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation (and the 500th Reformation Day), I've put together some fun Reformation Day snacks for you, along with printables to complete your presentation.
The Five Solas (read more about the Five Solas for Families) are slogans that remind us of biblical truths. They're signs to follow on the narrow path, which is an analogy that Lindsey Stomberg and I use in the family Bible study 5 Solas: Signs to Follow on the Narrow Path.
I thought it would be fun to continue that analogy in the Reformation Day party snacks printables with signs as the labels.
You can also make your own A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Lyrics Craft. It's perfect for your table display! When my kids were young, they loved it when I put together fun snacks to finish off our unit studies or to celebrate a special holiday. It became a tradition for us.
These Reformation Day snacks will be the perfect way to celebrate your family reading of When Lightning Struck!, and your family Bible study of the 5 Solas, important slogans developed by the Reformers to point to vital biblical truths. In fact, you'll find the printables for the chocolate bar Sola Scripture mini-Bibles in the 5 Solas study!
Reformation Day Snacks
Check out this fun video I made of the Reformation Day Snacks! You'll see everything you need to know to assemble your snacks!Supplies Needed to Make Your Reformation Day Snacks

You'll need a few supplies to make your snacks.
The 5 Solas Family Bible Study
Glue Stick
White Glue
Thin Ribbon
Wood Craft Sticks
Wooden Clothespins
Cupcake Baking Cups
Candy White Eyeballs
Chocolate Sprinkles
Leaf Sprinkles
Pretzel Sticks
Gummy Worms
Large Marshmallows
Dipping Chocolate
Cake Mix

You'll receive step-by-step instructions and printable templates and lyrics. You can purchase this craft, or register below to receive a coupon which will make your craft free for household use or 50% off the classroom license.