Why Did Slavery End?
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Who What Why Series | The Modern Church
In Christian history, the Modern Church has faced turbulence, growth, and reformation. The Modern Church has seen the rise of missions and evangelism. It has experienced brutal wars and oppressive regimes. The Modern Church, too, saw the rise–and fought for the end–of chattel slavery.
During the time of abolition, many Christians chose to glorify God by loving their neighbors as themselves. Believers searched Scripture to find what the Lord has to say about his creation. All humans are made in the image of God. We are to love and care for others. Through the preaching and teaching of God’s Word, many Christians learned to sacrifice on behalf of those in need.
Teach your kids about the Modern Church with fun narrative and important biblical truth through the Who What Why series from Danika Cooley and Christian Focus Publications.
Why Did Slavery End?
Slavery has been around for a long time. In the Bible, Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, and the Israelites were slaves in Egypt until God freed them. Even much more recently, people were kidnapped and made to work. For a while, Christians ignored that slavery is wrong and pretended that enslaved people were not their neighbors. But a lot of Christians realized they were wrong, and between 1688 and 1888 AD there was a big fight to put a stop to slavery. This is the story of these Christians who loved their neighbors and how they fought to free them. Includes the story of how the abolition of the slave trade came about internationally, and facts about modern slavery, as well as a timeline of key dates.
Have you ever ignored a dirty sock on the bathroom floor, stepping around it for days? People do that with sin, too. But sin is much worse than a filthy sock. Sin violates God's laws and separates us from him. Sin hurts other people--it is the opposite of love.
Why Did Slavery End?, Danika Cooley (Christian Focus Publications, 2023), page 16

Your kids can learn about the the causes and history of abolitionism, the impact, and the people and events God used to bring global chattel slavery to an end.
In a fun and engaging tone, the Christian theology and history book Why Did Slavery End? will take your kids through the story of abolitionism.
Why Did Slavery End? chapters:
- Introduction: The Freeing of God's Image Bearers
- Chapter One: God Holds Back Sin
- Chapter Two: The Freeing of Europe and the Islands
- Chapter Three: Made in the Image of God
- Chapter Four: The Freeing of the Americas
- Chapter Five: The Secret Code for Family
- Chapter Six: The Freeing of Africa, and the Near and Far East
- Chapter Seven: The Justice of God
- Chapter Eight: The Freeing of the Whole World
- Timeline
Now, our hearts are slippery. We should be able to tell our hearts to love God and love others, do justice, be kind, walk humbly with God, and that should be that. But sin is always knocking at the door to our hearts, so we must keep reading God's Word. The Bible is a light in the darkness for us, and it shines God's truth over all the dark corners of our heart so sin cannot hide there. In fact, knowing God's Word keeps us from making up strange or even wicked definitions for important words like justice and kindness--like the plantation owners and government officials did during the time of slavery.
Why Did Slavery End?, Danika Cooley (Christian Focus Publications, 2023), page 68
Fabulously illustrated by Martyn Smith, the Who What Why series books are each 95 pages long with 8-9 chapters, perfect for your middle grade (ages 8-11) readers. The fun narrative makes each book an engaging family read aloud, but kids will love, too, that they can read the books on their own.
In fascinating sidebars, your kids will learn about:
- Working for Freedom (Abolitionists)
- Hating the Sin (Quakers)
- Good News for Everyone (The First and Second Great Awakening)
- Dear Government (Petitions)
- Words in Black and White (Abolitionist Essays, Newspapers, and Slave Narratives)
- Justice, Please (Freedom Suits)
- Out of Bondage (Fugitives)
- The Sword (Insurrections and Warfare)
- Setting the Captives Free (Jesus Frees the Captives!)
Why Did Slavery End? is a fun way for kids to learn about a major movement in world history, important biblical truths, and the people God used to remind his Church that he has told us how we must love one another.
Christian Biographies for Kids | Christian History for Kids | Theology for Kids

"As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight." - Psalm 16:3, ESV
Christian History Matters for Our Kids.
History matters. Now, more than ever, we see how important it is for our children to know and understand history and the Bible. Here's why:
- God is the sovereign ruler of all things. It's important for our kids to see his hand in the history of nations and in the lives of both peasants and kings.
- Christian history is the story of our family history. Our kids get to see how people who love Jesus follow him.
- Understanding history can help our kids learn historic and biblical theology. They learn what the Bible says and what that means for us. They also see when the study of Scripture has taken important turns that have changed the Church.
- Reading Christian biographies and history can be a wonderful way for kids to think outside their own time and culture. God's Church spans centuries and includes people from every nation.
- Christian biographies help kids consider their own faith, walk with Jesus, and the impact their witness may one day have on others--and on history.
Elementary-aged kids need middle grade resources that are fun, a little sassy, and that teach valuable lessons.

The Who What Why Series is the perfect resource to teach your kids about history, while helping them apply biblical truths to their lives today.

As a lover of history, I have read a lot about slavery in America, but I have never read a book like this. Why Did Slavery End? does such an incredible job explaining the global history of slavery, from slavery in the Bible and ancient times through modern history, in a big-picture way that is easy for kids to understand. I appreciate this book’s explanation of how Christians fought to end slavery, and how some Christians falsely claimed that slavery was not a sin.
Danika Cooley did an amazing job balancing the extremely difficult topic of slavery with an approach that is appropriate for children but that does not ignore the horrible reality of what chattel slavery was. She writes in an engaging style that is easy to read and that kids can relate to.
But this book is so much more than a history book. It includes a closer look at what it means to love your neighbor and care for those in need. It challenges kids to grow in their relationship with God, to live in His strength, to read His Word, and to make a difference every day for Him. I’ve read few books that I believe are as important to share with your kids as Why Did Slavery End?
Wow! Where do I start with this??? Why Did Slavery End? is the perfect book to facilitate important conversations with your kids from a solid biblical perspective. I read this on my own to preview it because I’m super particular with how this topic is communicated. It’s now moved to the top of our family read-aloud stack.
It is written in a sensitive enough way, that my preschooler can be running in and out while we read and I know there will be so much to talk to my teens about as we discuss WHY slavery is so evil and what it took to fight the evils of slavery all over the world. I’ve read a lot on this topic and found so much that I hadn’t known before too. For the adults – or older teens, Danika includes a works consulted section at the end for those who want to read more. And I love timelines, so pouring over the timeline of the push to abolish slavery was fascinating.
The aim for this book is 9–11-year-olds and while a child that age could read it on their own, I highly recommend either reading together or at the very least discussing as they read book-club style. And I wouldn’t shy away from reading this aloud and discussing it with your teens too. The truths are so foundational and needed in navigating our current culture. These are important conversations about what it means to be created in the image of God and how ugly it can get when we get this important truth wrong. Every Christian family should read and discuss this!
I’m really enjoying reading this with my children. Danika uses engaging storytelling to explain the wrongs of slavery and how the global slave trade ended across each continent. I love the Christ-centered focus on the gospel and the way the book shows how Christians helped in the fight for abolition. The discussion about what Scripture says on these issues is very well done. It sparked great conversations in our family about standing up for justice, how we’re all made in the image of God, and how we’re to treat our neighbor and each other. The book also answers some tough questions about slavery. Overall, Why did Slavery End? is a fantastic read-aloud for our family and an excellent addition to our homeschool studies.