Who What Why | Exodus Bundle (Moses, The Tabernacle, Exodus)
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Who Was Moses?
What Was the Tabernacle?
Why Did the Exodus Happen?
Want to purchase them individually? Find them in the books section.
Christian Biographies for Kids | Christian History for Kids | Theology for Kids
"As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight." - Psalm 16:3, ESV
Christian History Matters for Our Kids.
History matters. Now, more than ever, we see how important it is for our children to know and understand history and the Bible.
Here's why:
- God is the sovereign ruler of all things. It's important for our kids to see his hand in the history of nations and in the lives of both peasants and kings.
- Christian history is the story of our family history. Our kids get to see how people who love Jesus follow him.
- Understanding history can help our kids learn historic and biblical theology. They learn what the Bible says and what that means for us. They also see when the study of Scripture has taken important turns that have changed the Church.
- Reading Christian biographies and history can be a wonderful way for kids to think outside their own time and culture. God's Church spans centuries and includes people from every nation.
- Christian biographies help kids consider their own faith, walk with Jesus, and the impact their witness may one day have on others--and on history.
Elementary-aged kids need middle grade resources that are fun, a little sassy, and that teach valuable lessons.
The Who What Why Series is the perfect resource to teach your kids about history, while helping them apply biblical truths to their lives today.
The Old Testament

Who Was Moses?
From a baby born in slavery, to a prince, to an outlaw, to the leader of God's people, Moses' story is an amazing one. Danika Cooley draws you into the twists and turns of Moses' life, showing how this flawed man was able to know God face to face.It was into this nation-within-a nation that a baby was born. This wasn't just any baby, and he didn't grow up to be just any boy. No, this baby was born into the tribe of Levi--one of the sons of Jacob, which would become the tribe of God's priests. One day, this special child named Moses would know God face-to-face.
Who Was Moses?, Danika Cooley (Christian Focus Publications, 2024), page 9

What Was the Tabernacle?
Although God had rescued his people out of slavery in Egypt, they rebelled against him and worshiped other gods. So God gave Moses rules to teach his people how to love God and each other. God also gave Moses instructions for how to build a moveable temple for the Lord--the tabernacle.In the beginning, before there were lakes with fish, mountains with trees, or deserts full of sand, there was God. Our God, Yahweh--whose name means I AM WHO I AM--has always been. Yahweh is. Yahweh always will be.
What Was the Tabernacle?, Danika Cooley (Christian Focus Publications, 2024), page 7

Why Did the Exodus Happen?
God's people had been in slavery in Egypt for hundreds of years. But God had promised their ancestors that the people of Israel would have their own land someday. They cried out to God and he heard them and rescued them. God used a shepherd, Moses, and his brother, Aaron, to rescue a nation of slaves from the grips of the ruler of the world's most powerful kingdom.In this world, there are a great many things to know. We can learn about algebra, art, biology, and even rocket science. But, no library of knowledge in this world is more important than knowing the one true God.
Why Did the Exodus Happen?, Danika Cooley (Christian Focus Publications, 2024), page 17
This trio of books looks at the Exodus story from three angles, but each one clearly points to the larger story of redemption told through all of Scripture. While each book in the series can stand alone, I would recommend purchasing all three. I love that Danika consistently explains and points to the gospel through these books. They are informative and engaging for children and parents. There are illustrations on most pages. The tabernacle illustrations were particularly helpful for my family. The language is rich but things are clearly explained in an age appropriate way. I like that difficult topics (like the Levites killing 3,000 of the other Israelites after the golden calf incident) are not left out or glossed over, but contextualized. You can tell that the author handles Scripture carefully and humbly. She doesn't leave out things that The Holy Spirit saw fit to include. These books are not dumbed down yet they are age appropriate. I highly recommend!
What I appreciate most about Danika's children's books is its uncompromising presentation of the gospel message! She stresses the seriousness of sin and the importance of repentance without sugarcoating the word of God. What Was The Tabernacle? is a clear explanation of God's nature - who He is, who We are, and what His standards of worship is in a simple yet theologically rich manner suitable to children. I highly recommend ALL her books to ALL parents who desire for their young ones to grow in full knowledge of God and develop true love for His word. You really can’t find rich literature like her’s anywhere else.
This is what I love – Danika does not just present isolated Bible stories but shows how the Old Testament points to Christ. If you want a Gospel-centered resource, you will love these books.
These books are written for children, but without dumbing them down. They are informative and exciting. They are great read-aloud books for the entire family. I love the timeline at the end of each book to help us understand the story better. These are exactly what I look for when adding "living history" books to our library! I own the entire series and recommend them all! The illustrations are great, too!
I am always on the lookout for great titles to read with my boys for our dinner time family read aloud. This series is the perfect deep dive into the book of Exodus. The books are filled with Scripture as well as lovely illustrations. I think these books would be perfect for homeschooling, dinner time read aloud, or independent reading for kids ages 7-12.