What Was the Tabernacle?
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Who What Why Series | The Old Testament
The Old Testament in the Bible covers important history, from Creation through the Prophets.
God called a people unto himself, taught them--and now us--who he is and how to worship him, and helped us understand why we need a Savior.
Teach your kids about the Old Testament with fun narrative and important biblical truth through the Who What Why series from Danika Cooley and Christian Focus Publications.
What Was the Tabernacle?
God gave the Israelites the tabernacle as a place to worship him, but also as a wonderful picture that points to Jesus.
Although God had rescued his people out of slavery in Egypt, they rebelled against him and worshipped other gods. So God gave Moses rules to teach his people how to love God and each other. He also gave him instructions for how to build a moveable temple for the Lord.
This tent provided a way for the Israelites to serve and worship God his way, in reverence and awe. But the tabernacle was also full of symbols that pointed to Jesus – when God became a man and lived amongst his people.
In the beginning, before there were lakes with fish, mountains with trees, or deserts full of sand, there was God. Our God, Yahweh--whose name means I AM WHO I AM--has always been. Yahweh is. Yahweh always will be.
What Was the Tabernacle?, Danika Cooley (Christian Focus Publications, 2024), page 7
Your kids can learn about the significance of the tabernacle in the Old Testament. They'll learn about God's plan for the construction of the tabernacle, how the Israelites worshiped God through the tabernacle, and what the book of Hebrews tells us about the significance of God's tabernacle. Kids will learn, too, about the Old Testament feasts and festivals.
In a fun and engaging tone, the Christian biography What Was the Tabernacle? will help your kids learn how God taught his people to worship him.
What Was the Tabernacle? chapters:
- Introduction: A People for God
- Chapter One: Worship in the Desert
- Chapter Two: People Giving to Yahweh
- Chapter Three: The Outer Courtyard
- Chapter Four: Artists Gifted by God
- Chapter Five: The Holy Place
- Chapter Six: Priests to the Lord
- Chapter Seven: The Most Holy Place
- Chapter Eight: We Worship God's Way
- Timeline
Now, God does not really live in a cloud. God is actually everywhere all the time. And, though God dwells--or lives--with us, he is not at all confined to one place or even one time in history. But, he helped us understand that he is with us by showing his glory through his presence in the pillar of cloud and fire.
What Was the Tabernacle?, Danika Cooley (Christian Focus Publications, 2021), page 17
Fabulously illustrated by Martyn Smith, the Who What Why series books are each 95 pages long with 8-9 chapters, perfect for your middle grade (ages 7-12) readers. The fun narrative makes each book an engaging family read aloud, but kids will love, too, that they can read the books on their own.
In fun sidebars, your kids will also learn about Old Testament worship, and how it ties to New Testament worship today:
- The Stain of Sin
- A Shadow of the Truth
- Five Offerings
- The Passover and the Feast
- The Feast of Firstfruits
- The Feast of Weeks
- The Feast of Trumpets
- The Day of Atonement
- The Feast of Tabernacles
What Was the Tabernacle? is a fun way for kids to learn about how God taught his people to worship him--and how we worship God now that Jesus has died and was raised for our salvation.
Christian Biographies for Kids | Christian History for Kids | Theology for Kids

"As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight." - Psalm 16:3, ESV
Christian History Matters for Our Kids.
History matters. Now, more than ever, we see how important it is for our children to know and understand history and the Bible. Here's why:
- God is the sovereign ruler of all things. It's important for our kids to see his hand in the history of nations and in the lives of both peasants and kings.
- Christian history is the story of our family history. Our kids get to see how people who love Jesus follow him.
- Understanding history can help our kids learn historic and biblical theology. They learn what the Bible says and what that means for us. They also see when the study of Scripture has taken important turns that have changed the Church.
- Reading Christian biographies and history can be a wonderful way for kids to think outside their own time and culture. God's Church spans centuries and includes people from every nation.
- Christian biographies help kids consider their own faith, walk with Jesus, and the impact their witness may one day have on others--and on history.
Elementary-aged kids need middle grade resources that are fun, a little sassy, and that teach valuable lessons.

The Who What Why Series is the perfect resource to teach your kids about history, while helping them apply biblical truths to their lives today.

This book provides a deep-dive into not only the details of the tabernacle, but the why it was created, pointing to God’s great plan of redemption for all His people through Jesus. My kids began the book thinking they ‘already know about the tabernacle’ but quickly realized there is so much more to it and have enjoyed the way the author weaves it all together!
I love all of the books in the Who What Why series because of how gospel-centered they are, so that is probably my favorite part. What Was the Tabernacle, in particular, is a perfect book to read aloud together (or assign to your 9-11 year old) if you’re studying Exodus and ancient times. The writing is engaging, the chapters are easy, and the illustrations really helped us to visualize the tabernacle. So much historical and biblical content packed in this book! (I was provided a copy for review — All opinions are my own, and I really do love all the books in this series!)
One of the MANY things I love about Danika Cooley’s book What Was the Tabernacle is that it doesn’t start with a deep dive into the tabernacle itself. It starts with Who God is, who we are, and why we need God to provide the way for us to be together. It shows how God’s desire has always been to be with His people, but because of our rebellion against Him, we need a way to be forgiven of our sin so we can be with Him again. Danika’s book shows how God gave us shadows in the Old Testament, such as through the sacrifices and the Tabernacle, of what He was ultimately going to do through the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. And Danika does it all in an engaging way that is perfectly designed for kids to understand and relate to. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has kids or works with them. It’s an excellent tool for helping them grow in their understanding of and their relationship with God.
Another wonderful book from Danika! She has a great writing style that makes it easy to read and understand the concepts! Love this book for kids of all ages! I love that she includes Bible verses and shows how it relates to our lives. The drawings are a wonderful addition as well! I would highly recommend this!
The Old Testament spends a great deal of time talking about the Tabernacle and both the physical characteristics and spiritual importance. This book helps students understand what the Tabernacle was, but it also helps them understand how that physical tabernacle pointed to Jesus. A great tool to help students understand the historical context and spiritual importance.
Kids can learn about the Exodus of the Israelites in Danika Cooley's newest three books in her Who, What, Why Series. Who was Moses?, What was the Tabernacle?, and Why Did the Exodus Happen? Are easy to understand and perfect for children to learn more about God through the stories of His people and the Bible.
Danika uses the English Standard Version Bible to quote verses and she does an excellent job pointing kids to Jesus and His sacrifice for us with each book topic.
Each book has approximately 90 pages. There's no assigned number of pages for your child to read every day, so you and your child can take each book at his/her own pace. There are plenty of black and white pictures that go along well with each topic.
I love the free downloadable and printable lapbook elements that you can get for each book. They make the information really stick while the child does their hands-on activities. These lapbooks will be treasures for your child to look at in the future.
I highly recommend Danika Cooley's Who, What, Why: Exodus series to any Christian family that wants their children to learn more about the Exodus, and also to any children church or Sunday school teacher who needs a quick lesson and project.
One of my favorite things to talk about when covering the death of Christ is how the veil in the Holy Place was torn from top to bottom. Jesus sacrifice made it so that we have direct access to Him. We no longer need a priest or sacrifices because Jesus paid it all. Danika covered this wonderfully and in a way kids can follow. Understanding the significance of the temple helps us to understand the importance of Christ sacrifice. This is the gospel message. A real treasure for you family to read!
What a good idea to write a book explaining to children what the tabernacle was all about. This book was easy to read. And the pictures fit nicely with the content and subject matter. Not sure why, but I especially enjoyed the section on the Most Holy Place. I ❤️ the book of Hebrews which Danika references frequently throughout this book.