Bible Investigators: Creation
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Bible Investigators
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." - Romans 12:2, ESV
God's Word and sound doctrine matters for our kids. We want our children to be able to process, understand, apply, and explain the biblical truths God has laid out in his Word to us.
Not only that, we want our kids to become Bible investigators. We want them to be people of the Book who seek out and learn Scripture, so their minds are renewed and they are transformed, able to discern God's will.
Good Bible Investigators:
- Observe: They pay attention to what they’re reading.
- Interpret: They figure out what the Bible means in that section.
- Apply: They decide how the truth of God’s Word impacts their life today.
There are a great many truths in life to be found—some interesting, some boring, and some that really matter. You can be the kind of investigator who spends time puzzling out important truth so that you can know all the knowable knowledge that God has given us. That’s right. God, the Creator of the Universe, gave you a great big letter from him to explore and study so that you can discover the truths that really matter to your life!"
Bible Investigators: Creation, (The Good Book Company, 2023), page 7
Bible Investigators is a joint project from Danika Cooley and The Good Book Company.
The Bible study is 272-pages of learning, puzzles, and fun activities designed to help your kids become amazing independent Bible investigators–observing, interpreting, and applying God’s Word as they learn what the Bible teaches about Creation.

Bible Puzzles for Kids
Middle grade kids, aged 8-12, love puzzles. After all, their brains are just built for figuring things out and memorizing facts. Puzzles are a wonderful way to help kids develop logic skills and retain important information. And, the book is written in fun narrative your children are sure to love!
What types of puzzles and activities will you find in Bible Investigators?
- Word Searches
- Crosswords
- Rebus Puzzles
- Dot-to-Dots
- Logic Puzzles
- Missing Letter Puzzles
- Cryptograms
- Word Sudoku
- Mazes
- How-to-Draw Pages
- Matching Pairs
- Word Scrambles
- Journal Pages
Every child is sure to find activities they'll love!

Elementary-aged kids need middle grade resources that are hands-on, engaging, and that help them process important truths.
Bible Investigators is the perfect resource to teach your kids about an important biblical doctrine, while helping them apply God's Word to their lives today.
It's so important that our children know and understand the doctrine of Creation!

Bible Investigators: Creation is an activity book bursting with brain-teasing puzzles, which helps kids investigate the Bible for themselves.
With 90 brain-teasing puzzles, 40 Bible passages, and 30 concepts regarding God’s creation, this 272-page lesson, puzzle, and activity book gives kids aged 8-12 skills to investigate the Bible for themselves―just like a real investigator!
As kids apply logic and solve challenging puzzles, they will dive deeply into Scripture and examine the Bible’s account of creation, picking up lots of skills for reading and interpreting the Bible. Your kids will also find lots of journaling boxes which allow them to reflect on, interpret, and apply what they have learned about God's Word.
Creation is perfect as a six-week unit study for your homeschool, and it's a great tool for churches to use with kids. It's fun for road trips and rainy days too!
Bible Investigators: Creation contains six sections:
- Introduction: You Are a Bible Investigator!
Section One: God Created Everything in the Beginning
- God Created All Things Out of Nothing Genesis 1:1-2a; Jeremiah 4:23
- Every House Has a Builder Hebrews 3:4
- God Created the World for His Creatures Isaiah 45:18
- It Was All Good Genesis 1:31a; 1 Timothy 4:4
- God's Works are Wondrous Psalm 145:1-13
Section Two: The Story of Creation
- Let There Be Light! (Day 1) Genesis 1:3-5; 2 Corinthians 4:6
- The Sky Above (Day 2) Genesis 1:6-8; Jeremiah 10:12
- Soil and Potatoes (Day 3) Genesis 1:9-13; Psalm 104:14
- Time for the Universe (Day 4) Genesis 1:14-19; Psalm 104:19-23
- Creatures That Swim and Fly (Day 5) Genesis 1:20-23; Psalm 104:16-17, 24-25
- Beasts of the Earth and People (Day 6) Genesis 1:24-27
Section Three: God Made Me
- God Gave Me Life Job 33:4
- God Formed Me Wonderfully Psalm 139:13-16
- God Gives Everyone Life and Breath Acts 17:24-28
- God Created Me for His Glory Isaiah 43:6b-7
Section Four: Our Creator God
- God Is Eternal Psalm 90:2
- God Is All-Powerful Psalm 33:8-9
- God Is Uncreated Psalm 102:25-27; Revelation 1:8
- God the Father Created Genesis 1:26a; Jeremiah 32:17
- God the Son Created John 1:1-3
- God the Holy Spirit Created Psalm 104:24, 30; Genesis 1:2
Section Five: God's Good Creation Gifts
- Every Good Gift Is from God James 1:17; John 3:27b
- God Blesses Us Genesis 1:28-29
- God Gives Us the Sabbath Genesis 2:1-13; Exodus 20:8-20a, 11
- God Gives Us Work Genesis 2:15; Proverbs 28:19; Colossians 3:23-24
- God Gives Us Marriage Genesis 2:18-24
Section Six: God's Great Salvation Plan
- To Disobey God Is to Sin Genesis 2:16-17; John 14:15
- Adam and Eve Sinned--And So Have I Genesis 3:1-7; Romans 3:23
- Jesus Paid for Our Sin Ephesians 2:4-9
- Believe in Jesus and Confess Belief Romans 10:9-10
Each section, or unit, has four to six lessons, each with a teaching, notebooking spaces, and three Bible verse puzzles. The book makes a great six-week unit study on the doctrine of Creation!
And, you'll love this: Creation includes a link to free downloads that include printable puzzles, so families or classes can easily work together with puzzles for each child.
The Bible author wants to remind you that nothing just magically appears. Everything has a creator.
For instance, have you ever been walking along, picking up acorns and leaves when—BOOM—a house just appears right in front of you? First of all, you’d probably be really glad you didn’t get squished by the mysteriously appearing house. But next, you’d wonder where that house came from. Who made it? How did it get there?
We all know that houses don’t appear out of nowhere. Houses are planned, designed, and built. In fact, building a house takes a really long time. Right?
Bible Investigators: Creation, (The Good Book Company, 2023), page 18

This is such a creative resource and a fantastic way for kids to learn more about the Bible! It’s perfect for our middle-grade kiddos and getting them started with independent devotions. My boys especially love the puzzles and drawing activities. I am so pleased with what they are learning about Bible study and important doctrines, too! Some of them weren't quite able to do it independently at first, and that’s ok. The ones on the younger end of the 8-12 range began working through them with some help from us and the resulting discussions were so precious and meaningful! As they get familiar with the style and activities, they are doing more on their own. Thankful to have Bible Investigators available for our family!
This book is full of fun and engaging activities that take students deep into the word of God and an understanding of creation. I love that they don’t sacrifice content and substance for fun and fluff but still are able to be engaging through a variety of different activities.
Our kids need to view God's Word as THE source of Truth, which means they also need to know how to read it. "Bible Investigators: Creation" is a fun way to get that journey started, and it sacrifices neither fun nor depth in the process. The content is true to God's Word, will cause your kids to think, is presented in a fun and interactive way, and most importantly teaches our children how to dive deep into the Bible - our only source of truth. Wonderful resource, Danika!
Wow! I was happily shocked by just how much there is in this "puzzle" book! Don't let the title fool you... this is no simple activity book. Yes, it includes fun activities like word searches, crosswords, cryptograms, and more to keep kids engaged and interested in the content. But that's not all! It also includes all kinds of helpful information for kids about creation and the Creator--and it helps them discover and remember valuable biblical truth for themselves.
Using the well-known inductive Bible study method, this book turns kids into "Bible investigators" and helps them dig into God's Word through observation, interpretation, and application. It covers 6 categories related to creation (God created everything, the story of creation, God made me, our creator God, God's good creation gifts, and God's great salvation plan). If you want to help kids discover key Bible truths about creation in a fun, engaging way while also equipping them to study the Bible for themselves, then this is the book for you!
My 11 year old daughter is in love with this book. She finds puzzles fun and entertaining and has been collecting books that include them but this one beats them all. She loves the variety of activities and the fact that she is learning about God in the process. As a parent I I love that it is written so conversationally and engaging. It holds her attention and genuinely gets her excited about diving into scripture which is a big win in my book.
As a parent, watching my 9-year-old dive into "Bible Detective: Fun Puzzles & Cool Facts for Kids" has been an absolute delight. From the moment we cracked open the book, I've seen a spark of curiosity light up in their eyes, which has been truly heartwarming to witness.
The puzzles have struck the perfect balance for my child—they're challenging enough to keep her engaged, but not so difficult that she feels discouraged.
One feature that has stood out to us is the journaling boxes. My daughter, who isn't usually one to keep a diary, has taken to writing down her thoughts and reflections.
The book's adaptability has also been a huge plus. We've used it in various settings—quiet mornings at home, and, it's been a lifesaver on long car rides. The link to free downloads has been particularly helpful, allowing us to print off extra puzzles and activities so my share can share the fun with siblings without any fuss.
Seeing their excitement to share what she's learned or to discuss a puzzle she's solved fills me with joy. It's not only helped her develop her problem-solving skills but also deepened her interest in the Bible and the world around her in a fun, engaging way.
This book has been a fantastic addition to our homeschool, offering educational and spiritual enrichment that aligns perfectly with my daughters interests and developmental stage. It's been a joy to see her not just enjoy the book, but truly engage with it on multiple levels.
This is a phenomenal resource to teach your kids about Creation in a fun and interactive way.
259 pages of Bible study, puzzles, and activities, plus the answers. What a fun way to learn about our Creator God, Creation, God’s Gifts to Us, and God’s Great Salvation Plan.
Your child will use their entire Bible to look up verses that will speak to them and help them solve their puzzle and activities for the day. ESV Bible is recommended for the puzzles.
What a great way to reinforce the lesson. It keeps kids engaged and begging for more.
My favorite type of puzzle is cryptograms, but there are a variety of other puzzles too. I would highly recommend this book.
Bible Investigators: Creation is a robust resource for children ages 8-12 years old. I was actually surprised how physically dense this book was, as well as at the depth of its contents. One could easily utilize this teaching tool for a homeschool Bible course or family worship time. In addition to Bible learning your child will be exercising their brain in lots of critical thinking skills. The puzzles and activities are a challenge and age-appropriate.
In the Bible Investigators: Creation, your child will find puzzles, activities, and more, but while having fun they will be learning habits that will follow them the rest of their lives. I love the way that Danika breaks down for children how to learn and love God's Word. She teaches them in these pages about Who God is, why and how He created our world, as well as how sin entered the world and God's sovereign plan to redeem mankind.
As an investigator, your child will learn to observe, interpret, and apply the scriptures they read. Most adults don't know how to do proper hermeneutics, yet Danika is teaching children how to study their Bibles and apply it to their lives as each lesson unfolds. I highly recommend this resource and all of Danika's other resources at Thinking Kids Press. They have been a blessing to our family over and over again.
This is a wonderful resource for a homeschooling family or for any family that wants their kids to dig deeper into God's Word. Many Bible studies introduce kids to Bible characters and stories but sometimes miss helping them to apply God's word to their lives. This workbook helps kids observe, interpret, and apply God's word by using their Investigator Notebook. They will also solve puzzles of many different types to learn more about God's creation. The workbook is divided into six different sections and goes beyond just Genesis 1 where most of us focus on creation. This book is another great resource from Dankia Cooley.
*Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book all thoughts and opinions are my own.